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Picture in the Attic
PAGE6 YL: 3.0 9373 words  ★AVG=4.8 (4件)
2024-05-03   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

When I read this story a little before I browed it, I thought it would be a scary story, and it was. I was as scared as Emma as I read through the story. ( Maybe it was because I read it at night.) I'm happy that this book had a happy ending. I hope Emma and Chalie will have happy life ever after.

Picture in the Attic
PAGE6 YL: 3.0 9373 words  ★AVG=4.8 (4件)
2021-08-18   Rainbow コメント数:58 

夜に聞こえる謎の叫び声は、屋根裏から。 そこには誰がいるのかを調べていく物語。 結末が幸せな感じでよかった。

Picture in the Attic
PAGE6 YL: 3.0 9373 words  ★AVG=4.8 (4件)
2021-07-25 ★★★★★  aKa コメント数:68 
