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Secret Beach, The
PAGE5 YL: 2.8 6401 words  ★AVG=4.5 (4件)
2021-11-19   Natsuki Unakami コメント数:89 

夏の恋の話!🏄‍♂️🌊 I’m planning to try surfing next summer, hopefully I can find a nice beach in Japan like the one in Cornwall.

Secret Beach, The
PAGE5 YL: 2.8 6401 words  ★AVG=4.5 (4件)
2021-07-22 ★★★★★  Enter Key コメント数:3 

I recommende this for who likes sports and love story.After I read this,I think when we go to vacation,we should think about the other people's feeling.

Secret Beach, The
PAGE5 YL: 2.8 6401 words  ★AVG=4.5 (4件)
2021-05-04 ★★★★★  milklik コメント数:29 

It was so nice! I thought that the competition  was the end of the story, but it wasn’t! I liked Lucas because he was a gentleman!