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Barack Obama
SCE2 YL: 2.8 6273 words  ★AVG=4.0 (2件)
2024-04-16   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I have heard his speeches, so it was interesting to learn about his life.Many people think he was a great President, and I thought it was because he is an African-American and knows how hard the life is for poor people. However, it was mistake. It is true that he knows the hardship of poor life, but it is not because he experienced it but he listened to it from many people. He had made a lot of effort to change the country, and I think that’s why he is said to have been a great President.

Barack Obama
RKB YL: 1.6 596 words  ★AVG=4.0 (2件)
2022-04-25   Anonymous コメント数:23 

去年の4月に読んだのより全然簡単だった この人って本当に黒人って言っていいのかな? あと、キング牧師の話し出してあげなよ……

Barack Obama
RKB YL: 1.6 596 words  ★AVG=4.0 (2件)
2021-11-19   Natsuki Unakami コメント数:89 

オバマ氏の人生を辿れる一冊です。 I enjoyed going through Barack Obama’s life histories from this book. There are some things I didn’t know about him. I also enjoyed some cute pictures of Barack Obama in it. As the U.S. is a very important partner to Japan, hopefully the U.S will continue to have great leaders like him in the future.

Barack Obama
SCE2 YL: 2.8 6273 words  ★AVG=4.0 (2件)
2021-07-30 ★★★★★  Harper コメント数:317 

オバマ氏が大統領になるまでのことがよく分かります。こんなに色々な経験をしている人とは、驚きました。Michelle ObamaのBecomingを読みましたが、その中に出てくるオバマ氏は、すでにハーバードの優秀な学生だったので大統領になっても不思議はないという感じでした。しかし、このお話を読むと、アメリカの大統領になるとは、奇跡のような気がします。