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Pride and Prejudice
PGU4 YL: 3.4 12410 words  ★AVG=4.0 (2件)
2024-09-03 ★★★★  きんぴらごぼう コメント数:122 


Pride and Prejudice
PGU4 YL: 3.4 12410 words  ★AVG=4.0 (2件)
2024-08-25   Gorilla Earth  コメント数:83 

This book ‘s main character was always thinking “who is the best husband for me?” like that.However I think marriage is not all of our life.So, I think it’s an old biased story.

Pride and Prejudice
OBW6 YL: 5.5 29455 words  ★AVG=4.0 (2件)
2024-07-28   Natsuki Unakami コメント数:115 

I watched the movie before reading the book. By doing that, I could understand the detailed setting better such as kinship through reading with my own speed. Also, I could understand the story mainly by listening the audio. I'm convinced that even the time differs, the exciting part of love stories never changes.

Pride and Prejudice
PGU4 YL: 3.4 12410 words  ★AVG=4.0 (2件)
2024-06-29 ★★★★  てろ コメント数:33 


Pride and Prejudice
SCE3 YL: 3.2 15450 words  ★AVG=4.0 (2件)
2024-01-04 ★★★★  apple_cake コメント数:80 


Pride and prejudice
自宅本 YL: 0.0 23576 words  ★AVG=4.0 (2件)
2023-12-18 ★★★  Wallflower  コメント数:54 


Pride and Prejudice
SCE3 YL: 3.2 15450 words  ★AVG=4.0 (2件)
2023-04-28 ★★★★  はとさぶれー コメント数:316 

This story is a maybe famous. I was surprised that there were so many prejudices! So, Elizabeth couldn’t believe Mr Darcy long times.However at last, they could feel their love heart! 

Pride and Prejudice
OBW6 YL: 5.5 29455 words  ★AVG=4.0 (2件)
2023-01-24 ★★★  Ms. Obiya コメント数:157 

まだ物足りない部分もあるけれど、前に読んだものよりは背景や心情がしっかり書かれていて良かった。 少し無理矢理のハッピーエンドに感じてしまうけれど、きっと当時の女性にとって憧れのシンデレラストーリーだったのかな。 男性陣が現代の恋愛小説やゲームに出てくる俺様系/優しい王子様/危険な遊び人のキャラクターに少し通ずるようにも思ったり、、?

Pride and Prejudice
SAC3 YL: 3.0 6843 words  ★AVG=4.0 (2件)
2022-12-26 ★★★  Ms. Obiya コメント数:157 

#B4S2 でもあり、辻村深月さんの「傲慢と善良」を読んだところだったので。 ダイジェスト版という感じであらすじは掴めたけれど味わいが足りなかったので、完全版も読みたいところ。 

Pride and Prejudice
PGU4 YL: 3.4 12410 words  ★AVG=4.0 (2件)
2021-06-05 ★★★  Rainbow コメント数:58 

The happy end story. I think Mrs Bennet is little trouble person. If she is my mum maybe I often get angry with her.