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Great Migrations
ORD5 YL: 2.2 3463 words  ★AVG=3.0 (2件)
2024-05-27   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I didn't know that so many kinds of animals migrate to escape from cold or to breed. I also learned that the animals' migrations are in danger because of climate change. If the ocean currents change, it will be really hard for those which learn the right direction to go by feeling ocean currents to reach the right place. We must do something yo help them.

Great Migrations
ORD5 YL: 2.2 3463 words  ★AVG=3.0 (2件)
2024-05-06 ★★★  うさぎ🐰 コメント数:9 


Great Migrations
ORD5 YL: 2.2 3463 words  ★AVG=3.0 (2件)
2023-12-02 ★★★  apple コメント数:96 


Great Migrations
ORD5 YL: 2.2 3463 words  ★AVG=3.0 (2件)
2023-08-04   ദ്ദി˶ー̀֊ー́ ) コメント数:6 


Great Migrations
ORD5 YL: 2.2 3463 words  ★AVG=3.0 (2件)
2023-05-01   Anonymous コメント数:32 
