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All About Ocean Life
ORD4 YL: 1.6 1665 words  ★AVG=3.2 (6件)
2024-04-16   Rilakkuma コメント数:83 

I read a book in this series after a long time. Last time I read it, I thought it was too difficult for me, but now I could read it easily. It's a sad thing that the sea is polluted.

All About Ocean Life
ORD4 YL: 1.6 1665 words  ★AVG=3.2 (6件)
2024-04-09 ★★★★   コメント数:25 

とても面白かった。 単語が難しいものが多かったが、調べながら読んでみて、とても面白い内容だつた。

All About Ocean Life
ORD4 YL: 1.6 1665 words  ★AVG=3.2 (6件)
2021-09-08 ★★★  aKa コメント数:68 
