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Grandad's Magic Gadgets
CDR2 YL: 2.6 8023 words  ★AVG=4.3 (3件)
2024-04-30   Flower Village コメント数:20 

When I was reading the story,My feeling was not good because Grandad's gadgets were crazy.If I am Marvin,I hate Grandad.However,I changed my feeling after I read this book.Grandad's gadgets had magic power such as make the friends and to get the better. I want to try his gadgets. ⚠MP3が少し変です。

Grandad's Magic Gadgets
CDR2 YL: 2.6 8023 words  ★AVG=4.3 (3件)
2021-05-09 ★★★★★  ♡エンケンらぶい♡ コメント数:12 

This book’s main character is Marvin and he has very crazy Grandad! His Grandad makes funny gadgets. Marvin’s school life become funny by those gadgets.  I suggest for who likes funny stories!!!