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Nelson's Dream
CER6 YL: 6.0 29299 words  ★AVG=4.5 (2件)
2023-01-30 ★★★★  Big Bear コメント数:262 

A S2 student recommended that I should read this book. In this book, people fight against AIDS by supporting each other. In the story, people are in different situations, however, they do what they can do to give a glimmer of hope to people who are suffering.Trully, it is really cruel that many kids are orphaned, diagnosed or even killed because of HIV.

Nelson's Dream
CER6 YL: 6.0 29299 words  ★AVG=4.5 (2件)
2021-11-30   Anonymous コメント数:33 

I was sad when Viki said that she reports baby’s death to attract people and make them feel good. However, it had came to light that she was HIV positive and I understood why she was so angry and aggressive. This book made me think about AIDS as my own thing.