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Oliver Twist
PGU6 YL: 4.2 20420 words  ★AVG=4.0 (3件)
2024-06-30 ★★★★  Joe Biden コメント数:36 

At first I thought this story is simmer to David Copperfield. However David started to go to the right way, on the other hand Oliver went to the bad way. For example crimes. It was very interesting

Oliver Twist
PGU6 YL: 4.2 20420 words  ★AVG=4.0 (3件)
2024-05-30 ★★★★  はとさぶれー コメント数:281 

人の名前が本の題名になっているのは、日本の本ではあまりないからこそ惹かれる。 この話には残酷な真実が隠されていて、ラストの方で驚くかもしれません。

Oliver Twist
PR YL: 3.0 6000 words  ★AVG=4.0 (3件)
2023-08-21 ★★★★★  Tomato  コメント数:122 

It was strange story because two people died. While reading,I was worried about Oliver,but after reading,I was happy because ending was happy.

Oliver Twist
UYR3 YL: 2.8 4000 words  ★AVG=4.0 (3件)
2023-07-12 ★★★★  はとさぶれー コメント数:281 

This book was really heartwarming so please read it!! When I read this book, I felt very happy about the ending of the story, so if you like to read happy ending stories, please read it!

Oliver Twist
OBW6 YL: 5.5 26560 words  ★AVG=4.0 (3件)
2022-11-09 ★★★★  ありんこ コメント数:106 

高2OBWで読むDavid Copperfieldの著者、Dickensの作品。同じ19世紀前半のロンドンを舞台に描かれていて、「子供の権利」という意識が乏しい当時、貧しい子供たちが劣悪な環境に置かれていたことがよくわかる。Oliverが幸せな結末を迎えるまでに、裏切りあり殺人ありで、読後感はDavidよりも重い感じ。#B4S2

Oliver Twist
OBW6 YL: 5.5 26560 words  ★AVG=4.0 (3件)
2022-08-14 ★★★  Big Bear コメント数:262 

Charles Dickensが書いた物語で、David Copperfieldと通ずる部分が多い。貧しさの中での生活についてDickensは強い思いを持っていたに違いないと思う。最初に読むDickensの作品としては少し暗すぎる部分もあるので、Christmas CarolかDavid Copperfieldを先に読むことをオススメします。 

Oliver Twist
PGU6 YL: 4.2 20420 words  ★AVG=4.0 (3件)
2022-03-25 ★★★★  Zhu コメント数:4 

I was very surprised that Oliver, Monks, and Rose had blood relationship. I respect Nancy for working for justice even though she was about to be killed.  This story was bit difficult for me, and the family relationship was very confusing. I couldn’t understand whole story, so I want to read again someday.