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Mystery of the Stolen Diamonds, The
CJ01 YL: 2.5 4753 words  ★AVG=4.5 (2件)
2024-04-20 ★★★★  アノニマス/ストリートスナッパー コメント数:5 

I just started reading this series, but this book is more interesting than I thought!! I'm so jealous of Cam's amazing photographic memory... It was quite thrilling when she was caught by one of the thieves, but I was relieved when the police came to catch the thief and help her.I WANNA MARRY A POLICEMAN... WHY ARE THEY SO COOL

Mystery of the Stolen Diamonds, The
CJ01 YL: 2.5 4753 words  ★AVG=4.5 (2件)
2023-12-04   CharlesOttoPuthJr. コメント数:8 

Mystery of the Stolen Diamonds, The
CJ01 YL: 2.5 4753 words  ★AVG=4.5 (2件)
2021-04-30   Fluorite コメント数:4 

写真記憶という能力を持っている女の子が事件を解決するお話で、 すごく面白かったです。