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Star Zoo, The
OBW3 YL: 3.2 8915 words  ★AVG=4.0 (6件)
2024-05-31 ★★★★★  Gorilla Earth  コメント数:60 

2000 later, people can’t live on the Earth because of global warming. The main character is a 16 year old girl. She is forced get married to horrible men but she don’t want to marry him, so she escaped from him. She has knowledge about robots and she go to adventure!

Star Zoo, The
OBW3 YL: 3.2 8915 words  ★AVG=4.0 (6件)
2021-08-20 ★★★★★  Anonymous コメント数:34 

地球が滅亡した後の話。Hummyは宇宙船に乗っている時にStar Zooを見つけ、初めて人間以外の動物を見る。 人間以外の動物の大切さがよくわかった。