UYR Usborne Young Reading Level 1-2
29 titles
YL 1.4 - 1.6
900 - 1800 wds
Total 45,118 wds
UFRの続きのシリーズです。レベル1,2はCD付です。スタートとして、物語の Nutcracker がおすすめです。CDのナレーションと音楽が、お話の世界に連れっていってくれ、絵も素敵です。レベル3になると、内容が質、量共に充実します。世界の名作・文学に、伝記、世界史などの内容が加わり、しっかりとした知識を身につけることができます。読み応えがあります。

検索結果 29件
UYR1 Billy Goats Gruff 1.6 1600 MP3 106
UYR1 Elves and the Shoemaker, The 1.6 1536 MP3 83
UYR1 Emperor's New Clothes 1.6 1600 MP3 4.0 104 1
UYR1 Frog Prince, The 1.6 1600 MP3 4.0 97
UYR1 Hansel & Gretel 1.6 1600 MP3 4.0 265 2
UYR1 Jack and the Beanstalk 1.6 1585 MP3 105
UYR1 Aladdin & His Magical Lamp 1.6 1600 MP3 5.0 166
UYR1 Little Mermaid, The 1.6 1600 37
UYR1 Minotaur, The 1.6 1085 MP3 3.0 83
UYR1 Nutcracker, The 1.6 1600 MP3 201
UYR1 Pirate Adventures 1.6 1800 MP3 3.0 165
UYR1 Princess and the Pea 1.6 1600 MP3 192
UYR1 Puss in Boots 1.6 1338 MP3 121
UYR1 Rapunzel 1.6 1666 MP3 118
UYR1 Sinbad the Sailor 1.6 1600 MP3 3.0 190 1
UYR1 Sleeping Beauty 1.6 1308 MP3 146 1
UYR1 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 1.6 1600 MP3 4.0 189
UYR1 Stories of Dragons 1.6 1600 MP3 137
UYR1 Stories of Ghosts 1.6 1800 MP3 3.3 254
UYR1 Stories of Knights 1.6 1600 MP3 77
UYR1 Stories of Magical Animals 1.6 1600 MP3 141
UYR1 Stories of Monsters 1.6 1600 MP3 4.0 130 1
UYR1 Stories of Pirates 1.6 1600 MP3 82
UYR1 Stories of Princes & Princesses 1.6 1600
UYR1 Stories of Robots 1.6 1600 MP3 4.0 173
UYR1 Stories of Witches 1.6 1600 MP3 92
UYR1 Story of Chocolate, The 1.6 1700 MP3 4.0 219 1
UYR1 Twelve Dancing Princesses 1.6 1600 MP3 182
UYR1 Wooden Horse, The 1.4 900 MP3 87
検索結果 29件