SAC Scholastic Action Classics
14 titles
YL 2.8 - 2.8
2237 - 7933 wds
Total 57,498 wds

検索結果 14件
SAC2 City in the Clouds 2.8 7933 4
SAC2 Case of the Colden Key, The 2.8 5920 4.0 2 1
SAC2 Great Expectations 2.8 4565 3
SAC2 Hamlet 2.8 4725 4
SAC2 Medical Miracles 2.8 3300 4.0 4 1
SAC2 Myths from Around the World 2.8 2237 5
SAC2 Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass 2.8 4067 3
SAC2 Red-heated League, The 2.8 2752 3
SAC2 Robinson Crusoe 2.8 4318 2
SAC2 Roots of Rock and Roll, The 2.8 3736 2
SAC2 See You in Court 2.8 3456 3
SAC2 Spies of the Civil War 2.8 3371 2
SAC2 Teen Health 2.8 3556 3.0 1
SAC2 Wuthering Heights 2.8 3562
検索結果 14件