SAC Scholastic Action Classics
28 titles
YL 2.6 - 2.6
2185 - 6783 wds
Total 96,236 wds

検索結果 28件
SAC1 Bernardo de Galvez 2.6 2185 3
SAC1 Black Mirror 2.6 5501 1
SAC1 Brother's Keeper 2.6 4833 5
SAC1 Battle for Honor 2.6 3127 1
SAC1 Call of the Wild, The 2.6 3494 7
SAC1 Cool Science Jobs 2.6 2640 2
SAC1 Capital Kids 2.6 2336 2
SAC1 Curse of the Jungle Treasure, The 2.6 3411 5
SAC1 Day of the Purple Cow, The 2.6 3120
SAC1 Elian Ganzalez 2.6 2855 2
SAC1 Gross Body Facts 2.6 2925 4
SAC1 Invisible Boy 2.6 5043 1
SAC1 Journey to the Center of the Earth 2.6 3510 1
SAC1 Joyride 2.6 5506 4
SAC1 Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The 2.6 3440 1 1
SAC1 Meltdown at Chernobyl 2.6 2772 4
SAC1 American Tall Tales 2.6 2352 1
SAC1 Mud Club, The 2.6 6783 4 1
SAC1 Anne of Green Gables 2.6 3014 4.0 9
SAC1 Antigone 2.6 3395 2
SAC1 Scarlet Letter, The 2.6 3894 5.0 5 1
SAC1 Secrets of Old Hanson House 2.6 3105 7
SAC1 Simon Bolivar 2.6 3228
SAC1 Salem Witch Trials, The 2.6 2376 6
SAC1 Samurai, The 2.6 2425 1
SAC1 That's Science? 2.6 2432 4
SAC1 Unsolved Science Mysteries 2.6 3510 5
SAC1 Weird Science Jobs 2.6 3024 2
検索結果 28件