MMP Michael Morpurgo
39 titles
YL 1.8 - 7.5
1800 - 75000 wds
Total 707,405 wds
Michael Morpurgoはとても人気のある英国の児童文学作家です。俗語を使わない、おだやかな語り口の文章です。いろいろな題材を扱っていますが、どれも読後は心に深く残ります。映画にもなったWar Horseは特に有名です。

検索結果 39件
MMP Best Christmas Present in the World, The 3.5 1800
MMP Billy the Kid 3.5 15000
MMP Boy Giant 5.5 45000 1
MMP Butterfly Lion, The 4.5 14237 10
MMP Christmas Stories 3.5 18000 4.0 9 2
MMP Dear Olly 3.2 11000 3.0 16
MMP Eagle In the Snow, An 4.0 27000 6
MMP Friends or Foe 4.5 25000
MMP Farm Boy 3.0 10350 5.0 14 1
MMP Half a Man 2.8 3700 5.0 14 3
MMP Hansel and Gretel 3.0 9501 4.3 16 2
MMP Homecoming 2.8 6000 4.0 30 1
MMP In the Mouth of the Wolf 3.5 21000 4.5 4 2
MMP Kensuke's Kingdom 6.5 25000 MP3 6 1
MMP Little Foxes 3.8 25000
MMP Long Way Home 4.0 30000 9
MMP Mossop's Last Chance 2.2 1800
MMP Mozart Question, The 3.0 7000 4.8 48 7
MMP Mr Skip 3.2 13000
MMP My Father Is a Polar Bear 2.4 3727 5.0 5 2
MMP Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips, The 4.0 27917 8
MMP Nine Lives of Montezuma, The 3.8 24000
MMP On Angel Wings 2.2 3100 15
MMP Our Jacko 2.6 4000 5.0 9 1
MMP Out of the Ashes 3.2 18000 3.0 9
MMP Pinocchio 4.0 25000 4
MMP Puffin Keeper, The 2.2 2200 5.0 3 1
MMP Redeyes at night 1.8 5000 5.0 3 1
MMP There Once Is a Queen 2.2 1923 3
MMP Sandman and the Turtles, The 3.2 13000 1
MMP Snowman, The 3.0 12000
MMP Toro! Toro! 3.2 12500 12
MMP Twist of Gold 5.5 75000 4
MMP When Fishes Flew 3.2 16000 2
MMP White Horse of Zennor and Other Stories 4.5 27400 4
MMP Why the Whales Came 7.5 39000
MMP Waiting for Anya 4.8 38250 2
MMP Wreck of the Zanzibar 4.5 12000
MMP War Horse 5.0 38000 21
検索結果 39件