MGR Macmillan Guided Readers
48 titles
YL 2.8 - 3.0
4600 - 58534 wds
Total 525,234 wds
英語学習者用の Graded Readers のシリーズ。MGR0 は YL0.8, 500 wds なので、FRL4 が読める人は、このシリーズを始めてみましょう。
赤い装丁の MMR は、この MGR の新しい版です。同じタイトルがCD付きでたくさんありますが、すべてではありません。MGR だけにしかないタイトルも多く、それがとてもおもしろいのです。今後は手に入りませんので、大切に扱ってください。

検索結果 48件
MGR3 Black Pearl 2.8 9300 5.0 16 1
MGR3 Boy Who was Afraid, The 2.8 8000 2
MGR3 Bride of Prince Mudan and Other Stories, The 2.8 9600 2
MGR3 Christmas Carol, A 2.8 10000
MGR3 Cleverest Person in the World, The 2.8 10200 4.0 5 1
MGR3 Claws 2.8 11200 2
MGR3 Don't Tell Me What to Do 2.8 11000 2
MGR3 Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 2.8 7700
MGR3 Adventure in Rio 3.0 8100 3.0 16
MGR3 Dawson's Creek1: Beginning of Everything Else 2.8 11000 MP3 3.0 11 1
MGR3 Dawson's Creek2: Long Hot Summer 2.8 11000 MP3 25
MGR3 Dawson's Creek3: Shifting Into Overdrive 3.0 13000 MP3 14
MGR3 Dawson's Creek4: Major Meltdown 2.8 11000 MP3 3.0 108
MGR3 Eddy and the Movie Star 3.0 13000
MGR3 Escape and the Other Stories, The 2.8 8700 3.0 10
MGR3 Flower Seller, The 2.8 7900 6
MGR3 Frankenstein 2.8 7600 MP3
MGR3 Gift from the Gods, The 2.8 9000 10
MGR3 Goalkeeper's Revenge, The 2.8 8600 7
MGR3 Kidnap and Rescue 2.8 6300
MGR3 Lady Portia's Revenge and Other Stories 2.8 8600 11
MGR3 Land of Morning Calm and Other Stories, The 2.8 9600 7
MGR3 Lord of Obama's Messenger, The 2.8 11000 4.0 12
MGR3 Lost World, The 2.8 11000 12
MGR3 Love by Design 2.8 10800 4.0 13
MGR3 Love Conquers Death and Other Stories 2.8 10500 14
MGR3 Mei's Dream 2.8 10800 12
MGR3 Man With No Name, The 2.8 4600 16
MGR3 New Year's Surprise, A 2.8 7400 2
MGR3 Narrow Path, The 3.0 13300 9
MGR3 Official, The 2.8 9300
MGR3 Phantom Airman, The 2.8 11000 MP3 13
MGR3 Princess Diaries, The 3.0 58534
MGR3 Promise, The 2.8 10500 12
MGR3 Quest, The 2.8 10000 3.0 10
MGR3 Riders of the Purple Sage 2.8 9400 6
MGR3 River Ran Out of Eden, A 2.8 10800 7
MGR3 Road to Nowhere 3.0 13300
MGR3 Runaways, The 2.8 10100 5.0 10
MGR3 Silver Blaze, and Other Stories 2.8 11800 32
MGR3 Stone Lion and Other Stories, The 2.8 6800 13
MGR3 Tales of Horror 2.8 9800 MP3 16
MGR3 Tales of Ten Worlds 2.8 10900 7
MGR3 Treasure Island 3.0 12900 6
MGR3 Verger and the Other Stories, The 2.8 9700 5
MGR3 Wells of Pandi Warra, The 2.8 11000 2
MGR3 Why Ducks Sleep on One Leg and Other Stories 2.8 7600 5.0 20
MGR3 Z for Zachariah, The 3.0 12000 1
検索結果 48件