HRF Helbling Readers Fiction
7 titles
YL 2.4 - 2.8
1895 - 9370 wds
Total 36,544 wds

検索結果 7件
HRF3 David and the Black Corsair 2.6 5200 MP3 4.0 3 2
HRF3 Grace and the Double Life 2.4 4459 MP3 1
HRF3 Lost Smile, The 2.4 2233 MP3 4.0 4 1
HRF3 Ricky and the American Girl 2.6 4734 MP3 5.0 1 1
HRF3 Spring Cup, The 2.4 1895 MP3 1
HRF3 Stubs Grows Up 2.8 8653 MP3 2.0 6
HRF3 Twins 2.8 9370 MP3 2.5 9 1
検索結果 7件