HMLR Houghton Mifflin Leveled Readers
24 titles
YL 2.0 - 2.0
1828 - 2488 wds
Total 48,683 wds
アメリカのLeveled Readers。物語、伝記、ノンフィクションなど内容はいろいろありますが、アメリカが舞台のお話が多いです。日常生活や昔のアメリカでの生活など、アメリカの子どもの雰囲気を感じられます。

検索結果 24件
HMLR6-16 Brave Past, A 2.0 1931
HMLR6-16 Cesar Chavez 2.0 2023 4.0 2 1
HMLR6-16 Conceived in Liberty: the Gettysburg Address 2.0 2069 4
HMLR6-16 Eileen Collins: First Woman Commander in Space 2.0 2488
HMLR6-16 Fear of White Water 2.0 1952 3
HMLR6-16 Gift of Light, The 2.0 2018 3
HMLR6-16 Images of Nikki Grimes, The 2.0 1974
HMLR6-16 Inventive mind of Jules Verne, The 2.0 1828 3.0 1 1
HMLR6-16 Johnny Kelley's Tale 2.0 2162 4.0 1 1
HMLR6-16 Lobster's Tale 2.0 2114 1
HMLR6-16 Mighty Maya, The 2.0 1834 6
HMLR6-16 Ancient Baghdad: City at the Crossroads of Trade 2.0 1989
HMLR6-16 On the Silk Road: Ancient Baghdad 2.0 1906 6
HMLR6-16 River of No Return 2.0 1845
HMLR6-16 Scribe of Ancient China 2.0 2134 1
HMLR6-16 Space Commander: Eileen Collins 2.0 2114 3
HMLR6-16 Stuck at the End of the Ice Age 2.0 1877 1
HMLR6-16 Sun's Strength, The 2.0 1972
HMLR6-16 Saving Wild One 2.0 2109 3
HMLR6-16 Swimming Lessons 2.0 2005 1
HMLR6-16 Tiger Woods: Unbeatable! 2.0 2056 4.0 3 1
HMLR6-16 Tania on Track 2.0 1978 1
HMLR6-16 Underground Rescue 2.0 2180
HMLR6-16 Weathering the Storm 2.0 2125 2
検索結果 24件